Purchase these CD's online securely using PayPal.

( You don't need a PayPal account to pay with a credit card )

Just click on the buttons below to purchase online.

They will take you to the secure PayPal site.

Ain't No Stranger CD

Price:  $ 12.00 each

$ 3.00 First CD,       $ 1.00 each additional CD
International orders,  additional $ 3.00

US Orders

International Orders

The Nighthawks

Live At The Bottom Line

New York City, 1990

With each purchase of  the Ain't No Stranger  CD above,  
we'll throw in a Nighthawks CD for an additional $ 4.00*
* to   cover  cost  of   CD-R's,  burning,  labeling,  and  packaging.
No  additional  shipping  charges.
Not  sold  separately.

All proceeds go directly to the Jimmy Nalls Recovery Fund.

If   you  have  any  questions  or  comments,

please  contact  us  by  clicking  here.

2006  Wood & Wire Productions
All Rights Reserved